Notice to All Voting Members
The QROOI Annual Election Meeting of the members of the Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc. (the “Corporation”) will be held at Ajax Downs, 50 Alexander’s Crossing, Ajax ON, L1Z 2E6 on Saturday October 27 at 1:00 PM, EDT in the Lower Level Meeting Room.
The Nominating Committee wishes to solicit nominations for two Directors, each for a term of three (3) years in order to continue a rotating Board, as provided for in By-law No 1A.
Existing Board Members; President Bob Broadstock, Vice President Erik Lehtinen and Director Ralph Pearson each have two (2) years remaining in their term; Directors Greg Watson and Bryanne Sheppard each have one (1) year remaining in their term.
Directors Gayle Sommer and Chantelle Bourgeois, whose term expires in October 2018, have agreed to run for a new 3-year term.
Voting members may nominate in writing, additional persons to stand for election. All such nominees must be voting members, qualified to be Directors of the Corporation and provide their consent to stand for election.
The successful eligible members will be appointed as Officers for the aforementioned three (3) year term based on most votes cast by eligible voting members present at the Annual Election Meeting in person or by Proxy.
Nominations whether mailed or delivered in person to the QROOI Head Office at, 11 Harwood Avenue South, Suite #202, Ajax ON, L1S 2B9 must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Friday October 12th, 2018.