Can-Am Overview and Quarter Horse Racing Syndicate- Press Release

April 5th, 2016 – QROOI Press Release – Can-Am Overview and Quarter Horse Racing Syndicate

Over the weekend of April 1-3, the Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario, Inc. joined with Ajax Downs to host a booth at the Can-Am Expo to promote Quarter Horse Racing in general and also advertise the upcoming Quarter Horse Race Syndicate. QROOI was represented by president Bob Broadstock, directors Chantelle Bourgeois, Erik Lehtinen, Ralph Pearson and Gayle Sommer, as well as our office manager Monique McNamara. Ajax Downs employees Katina Milns, Kevin Humphrey and Mel Brown also helped promote the racetrack and our Syndicate. An assortment of information handouts was well received, along with vouchers for the Casino and the Betting Booth supplied by Ajax Downs. In addition, Ontario Racing had a neighbouring booth at Can-Am promoting racing in all three breeds in Ontario.

The event was a huge success in terms of attendance and the interest shown in Quarter Horse Racing. QROOI offered a chance to win a free Share in the new QROOI Syndicate worth $2500. Ballots were provided and over 1,000 people entered by depositing their ballots in the entry drum at the booth. The draw will take place on April 7, 2016, at the QROOI Head Office. The selected entrant will be notified in writing after the draw. After the Grand Prize of one full Syndicate Share is awarded, the name and photograph of the winner will be posted on both QROOI and Ajax Downs websites.

For those wishing more information about the QROOI Syndicate, there will be an Information Meeting on Saturday, April 16th at 1:00 pm at Ajax Downs. If you would like to attend the Information Session, please contact the QROOI Head Office. You must register to attend!

You may also contact the office for further information about the syndicate program. Office Telephone 905-426-7050 or Email: