Hello all,
As you may or may not be aware, Ajax Downs has temporarily closed it’s off track wagering facility in conjunction with the Casino. The length of the closure is unknown at this time. All of this is being done in light of the current global environment with COVID -19.
As for training days, Ajax Downs current opening training day is planned for Wednesday April 8, 2020. It will be a breezing only training session. The next scheduled day would be Wednesday April 15, breezing only once again and then we go to two days per week Mondays and Wednesdays commencing April 20, 2020 with starting gates available. This schedule is still planned to go ahead until further notice and is available on the Ajax Downs website and of course this all very fluid right now and could change at anytime.
If anything changes to the current plan, we will send out another update.
You can visit Ajax Downs website periodically for further information and updates at www.ajaxdowns.com.
If you are travelling or are still out of country as I do know that some of our seasonal staff work / Trainers down south in the off season, in the interest of protecting others in our work environment please self isolate upon your return for a minimum two week period before showing up to our facility as we approach the April 8th timeframe.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
Attached we have enclosed a couple of government links for your reference and information on the COVID-19 virus and precautions, etc.
Emilio Trotta
Ajax Downs
380 Kingston Rd. E, Ajax Ont. L1Z 1W4
905-686-8001 ext 244