Darryl Mitchell, affectionately known as “Mitch” lived a great life. Mitch was born February 23rd, 1940 in Toronto to loving parents, George & Dorothy Mitchell. He raised three children, Derek Mitchell, Karen Kennedy and Krista McFarlane with his wonderful wife Sandra in Toronto. He was a supporter of horse racing since 1983, and was an owner and breeder of numerous quarter horses and thoroughbreds. The family moved to Mount Albert, ON in 1985, to be closer to their horses and further pursue their love of horse racing. Mitch is a past vice president and president of the horse racing association. He was a hard working man who dedicated years to the horse racing association.
Mitch is survived in death by his loving children, Derek, Karen & Krista. He is also survived by his grandchildren: Aleisha Brewer, Katelyn & Hailey Kennedy, Kaden & Koen McFarlane. As well as his great grandchild: Anna Brewer.
He passed away Sat. Dec 9/23 in Belleville peacefully at Quinte Gardens. A celebration of life will be held for him early next year, the exact date is to be determined.