Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program has huge benefits for Employers!

Hire an Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program graduate!

Fill your job vacancies – work with people who are passionate about animals and eager to learn from your expertise.

Employers – 50% wage subsidy available for 12 – 18 weeks!

Next live Employer info-session – July 12, 2023 3pm – 4pm

Register at: https://www.vpi-inc.com/event/oeeep-employer-information-session-5/?Desc=blog

Colleen is the kind of graduate you can expect to hire from this excellent program:

OEEEP graduate Colleen Clarke can’t believe her dream of working with horses is now a reality thanks to the Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program!


Can’t make the webinar? Sign up anyway and recieve a recording post-event or contact brian@ohha.ca for more information about the Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program.

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