By: Jennifer Morrison
The second year of the Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario’s Stallion Season Auction was another success as Quarter Horse owners, breeders and stallion owners, experienced and new, are excited to help grow the industry.
Total bids on Ontario stallion seasons for this year increased almost 20% from the 2020 auction.
Proceeds from the on-line auction, which still has several stallion seasons available for bidding, will include a 2024 Stallion Auction Futurity Stakes race at Ajax Downs.. All offspring by stallions that donated a breeding through this program will be eligible. Proceeds from the auction will be divided as follows: 30% to the stallion owner whose foals win the race, 30% to the owner who won the race if that owner purchased a breeding to the sire of the winner and 40% will go to fund the purse. Those purchasing a season will receive a free nomination and sustaining payments into this stakes race.
The 2020 Stallion Season Auction’s proceeds are earmarked for a 2023 Stallion Auction Futurity Stakes race.
“It’s a great opportunity for someone just getting into breeding to reach some great stallions at a discounted price,” said young horsewoman Brooke Sisson. “It’s always nice to have a chance to save some money and to top it off, you get the opportunity to race your foal in a stakes race.”
Sisson purchased two seasons; one to Fire Finder for $600 for her own mare and the other, for Look at Magics Form, for “a friend of mine and her mare.”
A season to one of the newest stallions in Ontario, Peighnt Your Fate, a son of successful North American stallion PYC Paint Your Wagon, topped the auction at $1,300. Sean Slater purchased the season to the talented horse from owner Richard Wincikaby.
Patricia Ball bought a season Spy for the Senate, one of the top older horses at Ajax Downs in recent years, for $1,000 from owner Milena Kwiecien. “I bought the season to him for my mare This Cartels Girl and last year bought one to Maryland Magic for my other mare Rose Rage. I am ready to get back into breeding again.”
For more information and to see the stallion seasons still available, visit https://qrooi.com/ programs/stallions/ to see the list of stallions being offered in 2021 and their current bid price. Contact the QROOI head office in order to place a bid at 905-426-7050 or qrooiheadoffice@gmail.com.